The Ongoing TV Popularity Contest –LCD, LED or PLASMA TV?
When it comes to purchasing a new top of the line television, and the ongoing LED vs LCD vs PLASMA TV popularity war, the choice today is nowhere as simple as it was even five years ago. Along with a smart, innovative design, today’s flat-panel TVs come in various sizes, and offer an array of technological functions so irresistible that they may leave you, literally, stumped for choice. LED vs LCD may be debated on screen resolution, while PLASMA vs LED may be an issue of aesthetics. PLASMA vs LCD on the other hand, may be a question of functionality.
The wise course of action, therefore, is to begin the choosing at home, by listing exactly what you want and need from your TV. Consider, for example, where you intend to place the new TV; How portable you want it to be; and whether you need Internet connectivity, in order to download various applications, games etc.
LED screens aren’t really an actually LED vs LCD situation, because LED TVs are LCD screens using LED lighting behind the screen in one of two ways:
· LED lighting is fitted all across the back of the screen
· LED lighting is fitted around the edges of the screen, allowing a diffusion panel to spread light across the entire screen. (These are known as “edge-lit” screens.)
Samsung LED technology is renowned for its captivating and high picture quality, encased in a designer slim package. LED TVs offer the brightest and darkest contrast ratios, in addition to sophisticated internet connectivity features. Models are available that are able to display 3D formats, and/or convert 2D film into 3D, at a click.
These TVs are light, easy to mount on a wall (if you are looking for a cinematic effect) and are relatively portable.
Finally, LED vs LCD TVs are also renowned as highly efficient consumers of power.
LCD TVs are popular for their portability, style, and their variety of sizes (you can purchase anything from a 5-inch to a 65-inch LCD TV.) In profile, they are only two or three inches thick!
LCDs are even more popular for their capability to be used as your basic home computer – with full 1080 HD Resolution. So LED vs LCD, LCD wins for this functionality
Like the LED TVs, models are available that display film in 3D and can convert 2D film into 3D.
Plasma TV screens are popular for their bright, extremely sharp images, whose quality remains the same on screens of any size. PLASMA vs LED, and PLASMA vs LCD; well-designed, these TVs are usually large, typically ranging between 42-inch and 63-inch screens, while they may be found as slim as 1.4 inches in profile.
PLASMA vs LED, and PLASMA vs LCD, Plasma TVs are ideal for the cinematic effect at home, they work especially well in dim light. With their high contrast capability, bright colours and range of wide viewing angles, once installed, trips to the cinema may indeed become a thing of the past for you.
The Plasma TV is ideal for Sports bar owners, for example, because they are able to relay extremely fast-moving images without a blur. For the same reason, they are popular with video-game players. So PLASMA vs LED, and PLASMA vs LCD; Plasma TVs win for this particular feature.
As with the LED and LCD TVs, some models are 3D capable, and able to convert 2D images into 3D.
The advantage with all of these models is that you don’t need to be a savvy technology buff either to set them up or use them. Having decided on a budget and armed with your list of needs, you are perfectly prepared to proceed with your important purchase. Hand your requirements to the store clerk, and leave to him to battle out the LED vs LCD vs PLASMA TV debate!
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